
Getting Started

umd-verification tool uses Python’s Fabric library.

There is no need to build or install the application, just download the source code and interact with the tool through fab commands.

Note that in order to execute fab commands, your current path has to be the root path of the repository i.e. where fabfile.py exists.

Basic Usage

Listing available deployments

$ fab -l
Available commands:

argus               ARGUS server deployment.
argus-ees           ARGUS EES daemon deployment.
bdii-site           Site BDII deployment.

Running a deployment

Once selected the most suitable product verification (commands in Fabric) from the command-listing output above, one can trigger the deployment following the format:

$ fab <command>:<arg1>=<value1>,<arg2>=<value2>,..

The available runtime arguments are explained in Runtime args section.

Note that the only mandaatory parameter that is required at runtime is umd_release.

Creating a new verification

umd/products/ directory contains the .py files where all the available (see Listing available deployments) deployments are defined.

In order to create a verification for a new product, one has to instantiate base.Deploy class providing a given set of arguments (see the full list at Instantiation args):

from umd import base

argus = base.Deploy(
    doc="ARGUS server deployment.",

Fabric takes then as available commands every instance of this class found the product’s directory. The command identifier is the value of name argument, while doc will contain the description of this command. This is actually the information displayed when listing commands (see Listing available deployments).

Note that in the case of adding a new .py file under umd/products directory, this new module has to be included in fabfile.py in order for Fabric to find the new command/s. Following the example above, we should add

from umd.products.argus import *

to fabfile.py in case that our brand new Python file is called argus.py.

Test execution

After a successful deployment, the last step usually involves testing that the current deployment actually works. Testing phase corresponds to EGI’s QC_FUNC_1 and QC_FUNC_2 steps.

Test definition is placed in etc/qc_specific.yaml. The format of each entry is:

        - test: <path_to_directory_or_executable_file>
          description: <test_description_string>
          user: <user_running_the_executables>
          args: <executable_arguments>

Things to note:

  • Tests are included in the bin/ directory within the repository. The currently available tests are described in Testing.
  • Path (test parameter) can either point to a directory or to a particular executable file. In the former case all the executable files found in that directory will be executed.
  • Using args only make sense in case of defining file paths (not directory paths).
  • Environment variables can be passed to the tests at runtime (see qcenv-* argument at Runtime args).